About The Legacy of Delano Senior Living

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Live Life Limitlessly

Find the support you need to do the things you love at The Legacy of Delano Senior Living. We focus our caregiving strategies for a range of wellness needs, helping you build a strong foundation to improve your quality of life. By providing a wealth of resources, events, and lifestyles, you have control over your day-to-day with support from a team you trust.

Start living life your way. Please, give us a call today to schedule a tour.

The Lifespark Story

The Legacy of Delano is just one member of Lifespark Senior Living, an organization that connects dozens of thriving senior living communities.

Lifespark Senior Living got its start in 1989 with the goal of providing innovative and life-changing comfort to those who need it most. We train our staff in the absolute best ways to serve and respect our residents, ensuring that every community member isn’t just living; they’re thriving.

Our Mission

Spark Lives and Empower Seniors to Age Magnificently

Our Commitments

Respect Everyone for Who They Are & Who They May Become

Respect is one of the founding pillars of everything we do at The Legacy of Delano Senior Living. No matter who you are or what you want from life, we will provide nothing but our utmost respect.

Your beliefs and values will be honored as a member of our community. Because we value your experiences as much as you do, we will work hard to adapt to your needs.

We’re ready to listen. Our community fosters compassion and understanding, ensuring that we answer and address all of your questions and concerns.

Why Choose The Legacy of Delano?

Have something to look forward to every single day. We regularly update our calendar so each and every resident can discover something new and fun or get the time to sink back into a beloved pastime.

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We support you by providing the lifestyle that suits you best. With the help of our trained caregivers, we go above and beyond to ensure you have every need provided for.

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Get help from a team dedicated to serving you. We train our staff members to ensure they are the best in the industry, and they are here for you.

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Our Location

Where to Find Us

We are conveniently located one block North of Highway 12 behind Coborn’s.


Email Us

Our Address

1350 St. Peter Avenue E
Delano, MN 55328

Call Us Today

Phone: 763-314-4285


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Contact Us

Where to Find Us

We are conveniently located one block North of Highway 12 behind Coborn’s

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